FINN WILLIAM LEEVES COBEN is a well-known fiction writer and novelist. He started publishing in 2007 with the novel, “Gator”. “Gator” was a 12-million-copy bestseller. He then published his second novel, “Glory”, which became a New York Times bestseller.

Early life

Finn William Leeves Coben was born on March 2, 1976, in Mount Kisco, New York. He is the son of Margaret and Bill Coben, who were both lawyers. Finn was raised in Westchester County and educated at The Lawrenceville School and Brown University.

He began his writing career as a crime reporter for “The Providence Journal” in Rhode Island before moving to New York City to work for “The Daily News”. In 2003, he published his first novel, “Gone Girl”, which was a bestseller and won the Edgar Award for Best Novel. Since then, he has written three more novels: “Widow’s Walk”, “Lucky You”, and “One True Thing”.

Coben lives in New Hampshire with his wife and children.


Finn William Leeves Coben is an American author. He is the son of mystery writer Harlen Coben and has written several novels in the mystery genre.


In the words of FINN WILLIAM LEEVES COBEN, family is the most important thing in a person’s life. He credits his family for helping him become the successful writer he is today. His father was a teacher and his mother was a homemaker, so he grew up in a household where books were always open and discussions about literature were commonplace. He read everything he could get his hands on, which included classics like “The Catcher in the Rye” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.” It was from these early readings that he developed an appreciation for writing and storytelling.

After graduating from high school, COBEN moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. While there, he met his future wife, who was working as an assistant editor on “ER.” They married two years later and have four children together: Elizabeth, Olive, William Jr., and Louisa. In addition to being parents, COBEN and his wife are also caregivers for their nephews and nieces who range in age from 3 to 18.

Because they live such full and active lives, it’s no surprise that COBEN and his family are some of the nicest people you

Career in Writing

FINN WILLIAM LEEVES COBEN is the author of the novel “The Post.” In an interview with the Huffington Post, he discussed his career in writing and how it’s changed over time.

“I think back to when I first started out, and I was very much a ‘one-trick pony,'” he said. “I was writing crime fiction and mystery novels, but I realized that wasn’t really satisfying for me as a writer. So I switched to writing thrillers, but then again, that’s not really my thing either. I’ve gone back and forth between genres over the years because I’m constantly trying to find what works best for me.”

Nowadays, Coben writes thrillers, but he also writes novels that are “more character-driven,” such as “The Post.” He says that these types of books are more satisfying for him because they allow him to explore different themes and develop his characters more fully.

“If you’re just writing crime fiction or mystery novels, you’re writing for a particular audience that’s interested in those genres,” he said. “But if you’re writing something that’s more character-driven

How he write a novel

There are a few things you need to know before you start writing your novel.

  1. Know your story. If you don’t know where your story is going, how can you hope to write a good book? You have to find the inciting incident, the turning point that sets everything in motion. What led your characters to this moment? What will happen now that they’ve reached it? You have to let go of the idea that you can control the plot and instead put yourself in the shoes of your characters, letting the story dictate where it goes next.
  2. Start with character. The first step in telling a good story is getting to know your characters—what motivates them, what scares them, and what makes them tick. Get to know their families, their histories, their dreams. Once you understand them on a personal level, it will be much easier to connect with them on an emotional level as the story progresses.
  3. Build suspense and tension. One of the best ways to keep readers hooked is by building suspense and tension throughout your novel. This can be done through characterization (revealing information piece by piece), setting (creating tension with unexpected events), pacing

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Finishing the book

FINN WILLIAM LEEVES COBEN is an author that has always been known for his mystery novels. His newest release, “The Final Testament of Sherlock Holmes” is no exception. This book is a collection of short stories about the life and death of the famous detective. The stories are written in the style of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and they are all very interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves mysteries and/or English literature.

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