Laminated Postcards

What You Need to Know About Laminated Postcards

There are several benefits to using laminated postcards for your marketing campaigns. Learn about the lamination length, color options, and cost per piece to get the most from this promotional medium. You can also use it to market your holiday specials. Almost every merchant is eligible to use this promotional tool during the holiday season. In addition, it can be a great way to target a new list of customers and run split tests to determine the best methods of promoting a new product.

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How many mils of lamination is required to make your laminated postcard? You’ll want at least 1.5 mils of lamination, which adds moderate rigidity to your printed piece. This is the most economical choice if you’re planning to laminate a small amount of cardstock or heavy paper. It’s also the least expensive choice and works well for temporary uses, such as labels and decals.

The thickness of lamination is essential, too. The material is available in three different thicknesses. Three mil material is thin and can be easily rolled up; ten mil material is stiff, like a credit card. Most applications call for a five-millimeter layer, which is less expensive than a 10-millimeter layer. There are different finishes, too; matte is better for presentations, while glossy is better for high-traffic locations where people can’t see the paper.


When selecting lamination for your laminated postcards, you should choose between matte, gloss, and soft-touch lamination. Each type provides a different look and feel. Matte provides a smooth finish and reduces contrast. Matte lamination makes a printed piece easy to read and is ideal for text-heavy business cards and appointment cards. Matte also doesn’t reflect light, making it suitable for presentations and other materials subject to glare.

When choosing glossy laminated postcards, choose a gloss finish. This finish offers excellent durability and protection for the printed surface. It also offers a lustrous feel and makes the piece more eye-catching. When it comes to color, glossy lamination is the most popular. However, if you’re not sure what looks best, you can also choose matte lamination. Either way, glossy postcards are an excellent choice for some reasons.


There are many reasons why you might want to use a laminated postcard for your marketing campaigns. These mailers are durable and are unlikely to be thrown away like regular paper. They are also heavier, made from 10pt card stock, ten-thousandths of an inch thick. As a result, consumers will tend to give the mailers more value, especially if they can see the message printed on a rigid material.

Whether a small business or a large company, laminated mailers can be an excellent marketing tool. The average size of a laminated postcard is 3.5×8.5 inches and is printed in full color. Unfortunately, fluorescent and metallic colors are not available. However, these mailers are a great way to tell a story about your business and showcase key products and services. You can even add a rewards program to your mailing to thank your loyal customers for purchasing your products.


Lamination is an essential process for protecting documents and other printed materials. It protects the original document and helps prevent tears and creases. However, lamination can also make it challenging to inspect the original record. The plastic coating prevents the original document from being examined closely and can raise questions about authenticity. So, the process of lamination should only be used for official documents. The limitations of lamination of postcards are many and varied.

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