Important Event? 

How to Calm Yourself Down Before an Important Event? 

Perhaps it’s an important meeting. Maybe you have a presentation to give. Perhaps you’re afraid of entering a networking event and presenting yourself to strangers.

This remains true regardless of the circumstances: you are nervous. Your palms are sweating profusely, and your stomach is knotted. You realize, however, that you must pull yourself together and make a professional impression.

Isn’t it difficult? It’s difficult to appear cool and confident, especially when your stomach drops to your shoes. Fortunately, you may do a few things to calm your nerves while still completing that vital task. This is how.

1. Use CBD gummies Before the Event.

person holding orange medicine tablets

Chewing on delectable CBD gummies is one of the most enjoyable methods of consuming cannabidiol (CBD). They’re simple to take, discreet, tasty, and portable, making them a good alternative for those new to CBD or even frequent users.

According to preliminary research, CBD appears beneficial for various conditions, including anxiety. Notably, some gummies have anxiety-relieving substances such as melatonin, chamomile, and lemon balm.

Currently, the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products like it does medicines or dietary supplements. Still, it can send warning letters to businesses that make questionable health claims. For varieties of CBD gummies uk, one can check online. However, you must research to ensure the product is of quality. A high-quality product ensures your safety and receives value for your money.

2. Take a Deep Breath

closeup photo of woman wearing black top

You’ve probably heard similar advice before. When someone gets nervous, this is a common reaction. However, it turns out that there is solid science behind this argument.

Your body naturally takes shorter, shallower breaths when you are worried. As a result, slowing down and taking a few deep breaths will supply extra oxygen to your brain. Breathing, in turn, stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system.

The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of regulating your heart rate and relaxing specific abdominal muscles. Breathing deeply will make you feel a little more comfortable.

3. Look after yourself

Neglecting self-care before large performances are tempting since you’re so focused on rehearsals and preparation. However, get enough sleep and eat nutritious foods to look and feel your best before your performance. Exercise can also make you feel better and, coupled with sleep and nutrition, is a fantastic strategy to keep stress hormones under control.

4. Reach out to family and friends

woman in blue long sleeve shirt using silver macbook

A solid support system could help you control your excitement. Your loved ones and friends know you well and hope the best for you. They can assist you in finding a diversion if you don’t want to discuss it. If you’re stressed or anxious about the occasion, let them know. They’ll most likely encourage you.

5. Control How You Interpret Stress

Physical symptoms (sweating, high heart rate, jitters) might be read in two ways and result in different reactions. You choose how to interpret these emotions:

If you perceive your feelings as negative and frightening, it will adversely affect your performance or capacity to behave confidently. Put a positive spin on it instead. Those sensations indicate that you are preparing for a significant event; the sensation is not one of anxiety but enthusiasm. Decide that it will be a fun adventure and that your nerves will invigorate you and help you do your best.

6. Learn ways to chill

Olympic gymnasts and music soloists are only two examples of young performers who stress the importance of preparing for performance anxiety. 

At some tournaments, you might have to wait a while to perform. Some people use music, motivational images, and breathing exercises during this time to help them unwind. However, others require stillness and tranquillity. 

Choose the best approach for you, and then prepare to use it before a big performance.

7. Tense and Relax Your Muscles

man doing yoga in porch

When you’re scared, it can feel like your body is betraying you—your knees shake, your shoulders tighten, and your voice quivers. This is why, before joining an event, you should take a moment to relax and regain control of your body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you must slowly tense and relax each muscle group. Work your way up to your head, starting with your toes. Five seconds of muscular tensing, followed by 30 seconds of relaxation, should be repeated.

What precisely is this? It’s referred to as gradual muscular relaxation. According to researchers, it raises your awareness of the physical feelings associated with relaxation, making you feel less stressed and worried.

8. Don’t be afraid of the nervous feeling.

Don’t panic if you get performance jitters. Don’t allow the sensation to deter or scare you. Allow it to exist. Remind yourself that it’s normal and recognize that it is entirely up to you to manage it to your advantage. Use your positive self-talk and soothing techniques to accomplish this. 

9. Avoid caffeine

It would be best if you did not consume caffeine after noon the day before your event. Caffeine heightens the stress response. Caffeine will make your body respond more strongly if you are already stressed about your event. You may feel calmer if you do not consume caffeine (e.g., chocolate, sodas, some teas, and coffee).


Although worrying is an inescapable aspect of life, persistent worrying harms your physical and mental health. Fortunately, several evidence-based practices can help you stay calm before a big event and improve your general psychological well-being. All of the strategies mentioned above are deemed effective.

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